What is the correct Spanish translation for 'unsubscribe' in email marketing?
What email marketers say9Marketer opinions
Email marketer from SpanishDict shares that common translations include 'cancelar suscripción', 'darse de baja', or 'anular suscripción'. Maria Perez also notes that the best choice depends on the specific context and the desired level of formality.
Marketer from Email Geeks shares that both are correct, and suggests a good footer would be "Actualiza tus preferencias" o "date de baja" de nuestras comunicaciones.
Email marketer from Reddit suggests 'Dar de baja' is also an appropriate translation in a reddit thread. Some have suggested it is more aggressive.
Marketer from Email Geeks explains that one is third person and the other is first person.
Marketer from Email Geeks shares that they use `Darme de baja`.
Email marketer from WordReference Forums explains that 'Cancelar la suscripción' is a common and direct translation for 'unsubscribe'.
Email marketer from italki suggests using 'darse de baja' or 'cancelar la suscripción'. Antonio Vargas clarifies that 'darse de baja' is more colloquial and suitable for informal contexts, while 'cancelar la suscripción' is more formal and appropriate for professional settings.
Email marketer from LinkedIn users suggests that 'Anular la Suscripción' is a viable option. In some regions it is preferred over the others.
Marketer from Email Geeks shares that it depends on tone of voice more, both are correct language wise, but one may fit the brand comss better.
What the experts say1Expert opinion
Expert from Email Geeks shares corpus data showing 469 hits for Darse de baja and 104 hits for Darme de baja.
What the documentation says3Technical articles
Documentation from Phrase explains that depending on the region and target audience, slight variations like 'Anular la Suscripción' might resonate better. It's crucial to consider regional linguistic preferences.
Documentation from Mailrelay explains that in Spanish email marketing, 'cancelar la suscripción' is a standard phrase for unsubscribe links and footers. It's widely recognized and understood by Spanish-speaking recipients.
Documentation from Transifex translation service says that in the context of software localization and user interfaces, 'Cancelar suscripción' is a preferred translation for 'Unsubscribe' due to its clarity and universality.
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