Should I remove the software question from multiple channels?


The general consensus advises against posting the same question across multiple channels. It's often seen as bad etiquette, wastes time for potential responders, and can be perceived as spammy. Cross-posting may be acceptable if relevant to each community, with proper disclosure and links. It's better to post once and wait for answers. Adding more information to a slow post is preferred over deleting and reposting. Multiple copies are only appropriate when posting to distinct, non-overlapping groups. Always search existing resources before posting, and clearly state your problem.

Key findings

  • Poor Etiquette: Posting the same question in multiple places is generally considered poor etiquette.
  • Time Wasting: Multiple posts can lead to duplicated effort and waste responders' time.
  • Spammy: Cross-posting can be viewed as spam, reducing the likelihood of helpful responses.
  • Conditional Cross-Posting: Cross-posting may be acceptable if it's relevant to each specific community, with proper disclosure and links.
  • Single Post Preference: The best practice is usually to post the question once and wait for responses.
  • Resource Clutter: Duplicate posts clutter online spaces and dilute the quality of discussions.
  • Limited Reposting: Adding more information to the original post is preferred over deleting and reposting.
  • Distinct Groups Only: Multiple copies are only appropriate when posting to different groups with no overlap in membership.

Key considerations

  • Community Relevance: Consider whether the question is genuinely relevant to each specific community before cross-posting.
  • Disclosure Required: If cross-posting, always disclose it clearly and provide links to the other posts.
  • Patience Encouraged: Be patient and allow time for responses before considering cross-posting.
  • Search First: Always search existing resources (documentation, forums) to see if your question has already been answered.
  • Clear Problem Statement: Clearly and concisely state the problem when submitting a new request or post.
  • Check the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the specific rules of each forum or platform regarding duplicate posts.
  • Adding Details: If a post is slow, consider adding more detail instead of reposting.
  • Audience Overlap: Ensure groups you're posting to don't have significant audience overlap.

What email marketers say
5Marketer opinions

The consensus is generally against posting the same question across multiple channels. It's seen as bad etiquette, wastes time for potential responders, and can be perceived as spammy. Cross-posting is acceptable if the question is relevant to each community, but it must be disclosed with links to the other posts. It is better to post once and wait for answers. Experts often monitor various channels and respond where they have relevant knowledge.

Key opinions

  • Etiquette: Posting the same question in multiple places is generally considered poor etiquette.
  • Time Waste: Multiple posts can lead to duplicated effort and waste responders' time.
  • Spam Perception: Cross-posting can be viewed as spam, reducing the likelihood of helpful responses.
  • Conditional Acceptance: Cross-posting may be acceptable if it's relevant to each specific community, with proper disclosure and links.
  • Single Posting Preferred: The best practice is usually to post the question once and wait for responses, as experts often monitor various channels.

Key considerations

  • Relevance: Consider whether the question is genuinely relevant to each specific community before cross-posting.
  • Disclosure: If cross-posting, always disclose it clearly and provide links to the other posts.
  • Patience: Be patient and allow time for responses before considering cross-posting. Provide additional information as needed.
  • Channel Monitoring: Recognize that experts often monitor various channels, reducing the need for multiple posts.
  • Forum Rules: Check the specific rules of each channel, as some may prohibit duplicate posts.
Marketer view

Email marketer from Reddit user explains that cross-posting the same question to multiple subreddits is acceptable if the question is relevant to each community. However, they should disclose that it's a cross-post and link to the other posts to avoid wasting people's time.

July 2023 - Reddit
Marketer view

Email marketer from Experts Exchange shares that the question should only be posted once and that experts can see all of the questions and will post where they have knowledge to provide information and answer questions.

July 2021 - Experts Exchange
Marketer view

Email marketer from Find Any Answer shares that you should avoid posting the same question to multiple channels as it is considered bad practice. It's better to only post once and wait for an answer as the duplicate questions will also take up other peoples time.

September 2022 - Find Any Answer
Marketer view

Email marketer from Quora explains that posting the same question in multiple places hoping for a quicker response is not a good strategy. It can be seen as spammy and may annoy people, leading to fewer helpful responses overall. Focus on crafting a clear, concise question in one place.

November 2024 - Quora
Marketer view

Email marketer from Stack Overflow user explains that it is generally considered bad etiquette to post the same question in multiple places at once. It wastes people's time, as they may duplicate effort in answering it. If you haven't gotten an answer in one place, wait a reasonable amount of time before cross-posting and always cross-link.

May 2023 - Stack Overflow

What the experts say
1Expert opinion

An expert from Word to the Wise suggests that if a post isn't getting attention, adding more information and trying again is acceptable. However, they advise against deleting and reposting, and multiple copies only make sense if posting to distinct, non-overlapping groups.

Key opinions

  • Adding Information: If a post isn't receiving attention, adding more information is a viable approach.
  • Deleting/Reposting Discouraged: Deleting and reposting is generally not recommended.
  • Distinct Groups: Multiple copies of a post are only appropriate when posting to different groups with no overlap in membership.

Key considerations

  • Post Performance: Evaluate if the post is genuinely not getting attention before taking action.
  • Alternative Strategies: Consider adding more detail instead of deleting and reposting.
  • Audience Overlap: Ensure that the groups you're posting to don't have significant audience overlap to avoid redundancy and annoyance.
Expert view

Expert from Word to the Wise shares that if a post isn't getting action, you can try again by adding more information. However, deleting and reposting isn't cool, and multiple copies of the same post don't make sense unless you're posting to different groups that don't intersect.

June 2023 - Word to the Wise

What the documentation says
3Technical articles

Documentation across multiple platforms (Super User Meta, forum guidelines, Microsoft Support) discourages duplicate posts. They clutter the space, dilute discussion, and increase support workload. It's recommended to choose the most relevant site, search existing resources first, and clearly state the problem when submitting a new request.

Key findings

  • Discouraged Duplicates: Asking the same question on multiple Stack Exchange sites or forums is generally discouraged.
  • Clutter and Dilution: Duplicate posts clutter online spaces and dilute the quality of discussions.
  • Support Efficiency: Duplicate inquiries increase support workload and slow down the resolution process.
  • Relevant Choice: If a question is on-topic for multiple sites, choose the most relevant one.
  • Search First: Users should search existing resources (knowledge bases, forums) before posting.

Key considerations

  • Site Relevance: Determine the most relevant site for your question if it's applicable to multiple platforms.
  • Resource Search: Always search existing resources (documentation, forums) to see if your question has already been answered.
  • Problem Clarity: Clearly and concisely state the problem when submitting a new request or post.
  • Forum Rules: Familiarize yourself with the specific rules of each forum or platform regarding duplicate posts.
  • Meta Questions: If unsure about which site is most appropriate, ask on the per-site meta (if applicable).
Technical article

Documentation from Microsoft Support emphasizes the importance of searching their knowledge base and community forums before submitting a new support request to avoid duplicate inquiries and speed up the resolution process. They advise clearly stating the problem and the steps taken to resolve it.

January 2025 - Microsoft Support
Technical article

Documentation from a Forum Moderator states that duplicate posts are usually against the rules of most forums as they clutter the space and dilute the discussion. Users should search the forum before posting to see if their question has already been answered.

April 2024 - Example Forum
Technical article

Documentation from Super User Meta states that asking the same question on multiple Stack Exchange sites is generally discouraged. If a question is on-topic for multiple sites, it's best to choose the most relevant one. If you're unsure, ask on the per-site meta.

March 2021 - Super User Meta