Is it illegal to use private WHOIS for commercial email in California?


The prevailing consensus is that using private WHOIS for commercial email in California is not inherently illegal under CAN-SPAM or California state law, *provided* the sender adheres to other email marketing regulations, such as including a valid physical address and unsubscribe link. However, California law (B&P Code Section 17529) prohibits using private WHOIS if the sender *knows* the information is false or misleading, or if the domain was registered privately to prevent identification. Experts and marketers acknowledge that private WHOIS can negatively impact email deliverability and sender reputation, signaling untrustworthiness to ISPs and spam filters. While there may not be direct legal ramifications in most cases, the practice can raise suspicion, especially when combined with questionable sending practices. AI-generated legal advice should be viewed with skepticism.

Key findings

  • General Legality: Using private WHOIS is generally *not* illegal under CAN-SPAM or California law if other requirements are met.
  • California Restrictions: California B&P Code Section 17529 prohibits private WHOIS use if the information is knowingly false or to hide sender identity.
  • Deliverability Concerns: Private WHOIS can negatively affect deliverability and sender reputation, potentially causing emails to be flagged as spam.
  • Transparency and Trust: Private WHOIS can signal untrustworthiness to ISPs and recipients, requiring extra diligence in maintaining transparency.
  • Compliance is Key: Adhering to CAN-SPAM (physical address, unsubscribe link) is crucial, even with private WHOIS.
  • Intent Matters: Intent to deceive or obscure identity can be a factor in legal interpretations.

Key considerations

  • Know Your Intent: Evaluate *why* you are using private WHOIS and ensure it is not to deceive or avoid legal obligations.
  • Maintain Transparency: Focus on transparency in all other aspects of email marketing to counteract any negative perceptions of private WHOIS.
  • Prioritize Deliverability: Monitor deliverability rates and adjust sending practices as needed to mitigate the potential negative impact of private WHOIS.
  • Stay Updated on Laws: Keep abreast of changes to CAN-SPAM and California laws related to email marketing and data privacy.
  • Risk Assessment: Weigh the potential benefits of private WHOIS against the potential risks to deliverability and sender reputation.
  • Reputation Management: Actively manage your sender reputation and address any complaints or concerns promptly.

What email marketers say
7Marketer opinions

The consensus is that using private WHOIS for commercial email in California is not inherently illegal under CAN-SPAM or similar laws. However, it's crucial to comply with other regulations like providing a valid physical postal address, an unsubscribe option, and avoiding deceptive practices. While not illegal, using private WHOIS can negatively impact email deliverability and sender reputation, potentially leading to emails being flagged as spam. Combining private WHOIS with questionable sending practices might raise concerns.

Key opinions

  • Legality: Using private WHOIS for commercial email is generally not illegal under CAN-SPAM.
  • Compliance: Compliance with other email marketing regulations (physical address, unsubscribe) is still required.
  • Deliverability Impact: Private WHOIS can negatively impact email deliverability and sender reputation.
  • Suspicious Practices: Combining private WHOIS with poor sending practices may raise suspicion.

Key considerations

  • Sender Reputation: Assess the potential impact of private WHOIS on sender reputation and deliverability.
  • Transparency: Ensure full compliance with all other email marketing regulations to maintain transparency.
  • Sending Practices: Maintain reputable sending practices to avoid any appearance of malicious intent with private WHOIS.
  • Alternative Options: Consider the pros and cons of public vs private WHOIS registration for branding and trust.
Marketer view

Email marketer from Reddit responds that using private WHOIS isn't inherently illegal for email marketing but highlights the importance of complying with other regulations like providing an unsubscribe option and a physical address.

August 2022 - Reddit
Marketer view

Email marketer from Quora answers that it is not illegal if you use privacy protection on a domain name. You just need to ensure you have an actual postal address within the email itself.

October 2024 - Quora
Marketer view

Email marketer from explains that although not strictly illegal, using private WHOIS can signal untrustworthiness to ISPs and spam filters, potentially harming deliverability rates.

November 2024 -
Marketer view

Email marketer from StackExchange shares that under US CAN-SPAM law, having a private WHOIS is not illegal in itself. However, the email must still have a valid physical postal address for the sender.

May 2023 -
Marketer view

Email marketer from Reddit notes that while private WHOIS isn't explicitly illegal, it can negatively impact email deliverability and sender reputation, potentially leading to emails being flagged as spam.

March 2023 - Reddit
Marketer view

Email marketer from Email Geeks Forum explains that in general private WHOIS is fine but if combined with sending practices that are less than reputable can make a case that it is being used to avoid detection.

May 2021 - Email Geeks Forum
Marketer view

Email marketer from MarketingOverCoffee explains that having a private WHOIS won't necessarily land you in jail but it may hurt your deliverability and cause you to be blocked more often.

May 2023 -

What the experts say
5Expert opinions

Experts generally agree that using private WHOIS for commercial email in California is not explicitly prohibited by anti-spam laws. However, it's important to consider potential impacts on deliverability and sender reputation. While there may not be direct legal risks, the perception of trustworthiness can be affected. One expert dismissed AI-generated information on the topic as unreliable. The Guthy-Renker case is relevant.

Key opinions

  • Legality: CA anti-spam law likely doesn't prohibit private WHOIS or proxied data.
  • AI Unreliability: AI-generated legal information can be unreliable.
  • Deliverability Risks: Private WHOIS can negatively impact deliverability and sender reputation.
  • Limited Legal Risk: Generally, there are no direct legal risks associated with private domain registration.

Key considerations

  • Sender Reputation: Assess the potential impact on sender reputation.
  • Reliance on AI: Do not solely rely on AI-generated legal advice; verify information with reputable sources.
  • Legal Case: Review the Guthy-Renker case for relevant insights.
  • Perception: Consider how private WHOIS might be perceived by recipients and ISPs.
Expert view

Expert from Email Geeks shares a link to Guthy-Renker: <|>

October 2022 - Email Geeks
Expert view

Expert from Email Geeks responds to a <http://Perplexity.AI|Perplexity.AI> citation by saying that’s dribbling bullshit and that AI generated lies is just a waste of screen space.

October 2023 - Email Geeks
Expert view

Expert from Spam Resource explains that while not strictly illegal, using private WHOIS can harm your email deliverability and sender reputation.

June 2022 - Spam Resource
Expert view

Expert from Word to the Wise shares that there are generally no legal risks associated with private domain registration, but your sending reputation could be impacted.

December 2021 - Word to the Wise
Expert view

Expert from Email Geeks shares he's pretty sure the CA anti-spam law doesn’t prohibit falsified whois data, let alone anonymous / proxied.

January 2022 - Email Geeks

What the documentation says
5Technical articles

California law (B&P Code Section 17529) prohibits using private WHOIS if the sender knows the information is false or misleading, or if the domain was registered privately to prevent identification. The Guthy-Renker case clarifies that knowledge of falsity is required for a violation. The FTC emphasizes general transparency in email marketing, while SocketLabs notes private registration can negatively impact trust. Mailjet highlights CAN-SPAM's allowance of privacy protection if a physical address and opt-out are provided.

Key findings

  • CA Law Restriction: California law restricts private WHOIS use if information is knowingly false/misleading, or to hide sender identity.
  • Knowledge Requirement: The Guthy-Renker case clarified that knowledge of falsity is required for a violation of Section 17529.5.
  • FTC Focus: The FTC prioritizes transparent and honest email marketing practices generally.
  • WHOIS Verification: WHOIS is used to verify domain ownership; private registration can obscure details.
  • CAN-SPAM Compliance: CAN-SPAM allows private WHOIS if physical address and opt-out are provided.

Key considerations

  • Intent and Knowledge: Avoid knowingly using false or misleading WHOIS information.
  • Transparency: Prioritize transparency in all email marketing practices.
  • Trust Factors: Consider how private registration affects recipient and ISP trust.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with both CAN-SPAM and relevant California laws.
Technical article

Documentation from Venable explains that California Business and Professions Code Section 17529 prohibits commercial email advertisements from using proxy or private domain name registration services if the sender either (1) knows that the proxy/private registration information is false or materially misleading; or (2) has registered the domain name with proxy/private registration services to prevent identifying the actual email sender.

March 2021 -
Technical article

Documentation from the FTC emphasizes the importance of not using deceptive subject lines and valid reply-to addresses but doesn't specifically discuss private WHOIS legality. Focuses on transparency and honesty in email marketing practices.

August 2024 -
Technical article

Documentation from Thomson Reuters Practical Law summarizes Guthy-Renker LLC v. Kylie M, stating that the court addressed whether a sender violates California Business and Professions Code Section 17529.5 by using a domain name in commercial email where the WHOIS information is false or misleading. The court held that Section 17529.5 requires that the sender knows the information is false or misleading.

October 2023 -
Technical article

Documentation from SocketLabs shares that WHOIS information can be used to verify domain ownership. Using private registration can obscure ownership details, which may be viewed negatively by recipients and ISPs.

June 2021 -
Technical article

Documentation from Mailjet shares that under CAN-SPAM laws having privacy protection is not illegal but you must provide a physical address as well as an opt-out link.

November 2023 -