Do I need a trademark in every country for BIMI?


The consensus from marketers, experts, and documentation is that you generally do not need a trademark in every country for BIMI. A Validated Mark Certificate (VMC) is essential, and it's tied to a registered trademark. The key is to ensure the trademark owner is the same as the VMC applicant and that you can prove you have the legal right to use the logo. Some older or inaccurate sources may suggest a trademark is needed in every country, but this is not the current best practice. It's also recommended to check individual mailbox provider (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo) policies, as some might have specific regional requirements.

Key findings

  • Single Trademark Often Sufficient: In most cases, a single trademark is sufficient for BIMI implementation.
  • VMC is Crucial: A Validated Mark Certificate (VMC) is mandatory for BIMI.
  • Trademark Ownership Alignment: The trademark owner must be the same as the applicant for the VMC.
  • Legal Rights Proof Required: You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the legal right to use the logo associated with your trademark.
  • Provider-Specific Requirements: Some mailbox providers might have unique requirements or regional considerations.

Key considerations

  • VMC Application Process: Understand the VMC application process and requirements.
  • Mailbox Provider Policies: Check the specific BIMI policies of major mailbox providers.
  • Trademark Scope: Consider the geographical scope of your trademark registration.
  • Source Reliability: Verify the accuracy and currency of information about BIMI requirements.
  • Proof of Rights Documentation: Ensure you have adequate documentation to prove your ownership and right to use the trademarked logo.

What email marketers say
7Marketer opinions

The general consensus is that you do not need a trademark in *every* country for BIMI. A Validated Mark Certificate (VMC) is required, which is tied to a registered trademark. While some older sources claim trademarks are needed in every country, current best practices indicate this is not the case. However, it is essential to ensure the trademark owner is the same as the VMC applicant, and it's advisable to check specific requirements for individual mailbox providers (Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) as some may have regional preferences.

Key opinions

  • Single Trademark Suffices: Generally, a single trademark is sufficient for BIMI.
  • VMC Requirement: A Validated Mark Certificate (VMC) is mandatory for BIMI implementation.
  • Trademark Ownership: The trademark owner must be the same as the VMC applicant.
  • Individual Provider Requirements: Some mailbox providers might have specific regional trademark requirements.

Key considerations

  • VMC Process: Understand the VMC validation process and requirements.
  • Mailbox Provider Policies: Check the specific policies of major mailbox providers (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo) regarding BIMI and trademarks.
  • Trademark Scope: Consider the geographical scope of your trademark and its relevance to your target audience.
  • Older Information: Be wary of older articles stating trademark in every country is mandatory; confirm with current best practices.
Marketer view

Email marketer from Mailhardener explains that a trademark is required but does not specify needing one in every country. It focuses on the trademark verification mark (VMC) requirement.

August 2024 - Mailhardener
Marketer view

Email marketer from Email on Acid initially stated you DO need a trademark in every country. Although this article is wrong, it is still a prevailing thought.

June 2021 - Email on Acid
Marketer view

Marketer from Email Geeks explains that you only need a trademark in one country for BIMI, as long as the trademark owner is the same as the VMC applicant.

July 2023 - Email Geeks
Marketer view

Email marketer from Proofpoint (formerly Agari) explains that a VMC is tied to a registered trademark, and while it doesn't explicitly mention needing a trademark in *every* country, it highlights the importance of trademark validation for BIMI.

May 2021 - Proofpoint
Marketer view

Email marketer from Validity explains that BIMI leverages a VMC, and this is linked to a registered trademark. The article explains the requirements, but it does not mention needing it in every country.

May 2024 - Validity
Marketer view

Email marketer from Reddit shares that you need to check the requirements of each individual mailbox provider. Some might require a trademark in specific regions. Check with Yahoo, Gmail, etc

October 2021 - Reddit
Marketer view

Email marketer from Red Sift shares that BIMI needs a validated Mark Certificate (VMC), which is only issued to trademarked logos, but it doesn't say it needs to be trademarked everywhere.

April 2022 - Red Sift

What the experts say
1Expert opinion

An expert from Word to the Wise Forums indicates that generally, one trademark is enough for BIMI. The critical aspect is proving ownership of the trademark and the rights to use the logo.

Key opinions

  • Single Trademark Generally Sufficient: A single trademark can be enough for BIMI enablement.
  • Ownership and Rights: The ability to prove ownership of the trademark and logo usage rights is crucial.

Key considerations

  • Proof of Ownership: Ensure you have verifiable documentation of your trademark ownership.
  • Logo Usage Rights: Confirm you have the legal right to display the logo associated with the trademark.
Expert view

Expert from Word to the Wise Forums answers that generally a single trademark is sufficient to enable BIMI, so long as you can prove you own that trademark and the rights to display that logo.

September 2023 - Word to the Wise Forums

What the documentation says
4Technical articles

Multiple documentation sources (Entrust, BIMI Group, DigiCert, and Sectigo) consistently state that BIMI requires a registered trademark and a Validated Mark Certificate (VMC). None of these sources explicitly mention that the trademark needs to be registered in every country where the logo will be displayed. The BIMI Group documentation emphasizes the VMC verifies the legal right to use the logo, implying that rights need to be proven but not necessarily in every country.

Key findings

  • Trademark and VMC Required: A registered trademark and a Validated Mark Certificate (VMC) are essential for BIMI.
  • No Explicit Country Requirement: The documentation does not explicitly state that the trademark must be registered in every country.
  • Legal Rights Verification: The VMC verifies the legal right to use the logo.

Key considerations

  • VMC Validation Process: Understand the process of obtaining a VMC and the requirements for legal rights verification.
  • Trademark Scope: Consider the geographical scope of your trademark registration and its relevance to BIMI implementation.
  • Implied Rights: Although not explicitly stated, ensure you can prove the legal right to use the logo where BIMI is implemented.
Technical article

Documentation from Entrust notes that BIMI requires a registered trademark and a VMC, but it does not explicitly state that the trademark needs to be registered in every country where the logo will display.

February 2024 - Entrust
Technical article

Documentation from DigiCert explains the VMC process, and it requires you to have an active trademark, but does not state it needs to be in every country.

November 2021 - DigiCert
Technical article

Documentation from Sectigo shares that you need a VMC (Validated Mark Certificate) and a registered trademark to implement BIMI but doesn't explicitly state that the trademark must be registered in all countries.

September 2021 - Sectigo
Technical article

Documentation from BIMI Group says a validated Mark Certificate (VMC) verifies the legal right to use the logo. Doesn't explicitly say every country but implies rights need to be proven.

April 2023 - BIMI Group